Motor Neurone Disease study findings published in BMC Palliative Care
21 June, 2024 marks Global Motor Neurone Awareness Day. This date is selected for the special reason that it marks a solstice seen by many as a turning point in the year; the start of a new season of hope. Research into MND, which affects 1 in 300, can help offer that hope.

What matters to you?
BSW Junior Doctor, Eve Barnes, shares her perspectives on the What Matters to You movement and the importance of signing the charter ahead of What Matters to You Day on 9th June, 2023.

End of life care and learning disabilities
People with a learning disability and autistic people, who die earlier than the rest of the population face little or no end-of-life care planning. Lynnette Glass, BSW LeDeR area coordinator writes about their ambition to change this inequality.

Thinking ahead to the end of life…
Age UK B&NES share their top tips for planning ahead for the end of life; from power of attorney to difficult conversations, getting your affairs in order can reduce anxiety for everyone involved.

More Than Ever - a film review
Film review of Cannes nominee More Than Ever. A tale of love, loss, grief and conscious death against the breathtaking backdrop of the Norwegian fjords.

Beth Nielsen-Chapman Interview
On grief, mortality and the power of music to heal.

Death is a dirty word
Like birth, it is something that unites us all, yet death has become a dirty word. Part of Life is here to change that.