Death is a dirty word
Don’t mention the D word
It happens to us all - we’re born, we die. 100% of our population will experience both entries in and out of this world, yet ‘death’ is a word so many shy away from. Illness has become weaponised. The narrative of being sick or receiving treatment has become littered with the combative vocabulary of “battling” and “fighting,” whilst euphemisms such as ‘passed away’ or ‘left this earth’ seem to be more palatable than invoking the D word.
What is it about those five little letters that provokes such a proverbial shudder, the slightest quickening of a heartbeat and the awkward, but instinctive, sticky tongue to the roof of the mouth?
Our very survival on this earth is inextricably linked with the evolution of our species, so of course, biologically, it stands to reason that our bodies have adapted to prolong our lives on earth wherever possible. Why then, have our societal attitudes to such a tiny word not yet caught up? Why does it seem acceptable to conceal a life of achievements and opportunity under a fire blanket of “losing a battle,” rather than accepting that someone simply died?
“Only 1 in 5 people know how to navigate the health system when someone is dying or trying to access aged care.”
Death Literacy Institute
Dodging death
Walk into any beauty aisle at the supermarket and our obsession with dodging death is laid out for all to see. Slapping mortality broad across the face, there are anti-ageing creams, wrinkle serums, youth elixirs and concealers for every budget.
Open any newspaper and tips on ‘how to live longer’, alongside incredible stories of cheated deaths always perform well. Yet honest articles on death and dying and what the end of life can look and feel like are hard to find.
“Only half of us know where to get information about palliative care, and only 22% of people know how to access palliative care in our local communities.”
Death Literacy Institute
Part of Life
Here at Part of Life, we want to create a safe, compassionate space for anyone wanting honest, unbiased and positive information about death. Designed as a collection of intimate conversations, stories, research and wellbeing resources, it has no other purpose than to offer readers and listeners the opportunity to connect with a community of individuals who all see the end of life, as a part of life.
By reclaiming the language of death and dying, to spark real, unambiguous conversations, we can silence the superstitious fear of the ‘D word’.
By destigmatising death and dying - a reality we all face - Part of Life aims to reduce fear and inspire our community to support those at the end of life, those left behind and together find ways in which we can all appreciate the present; making the most of life.