Digital Legacy
We all have a digital footprint. Be it on social media, via music downloads, gaming avatars, voicemails, photos or email.
But what happens to all of these digital touchpoints when someone dies?
How can we curate and manage our Digital Afterlife?
Top tips and advice from the Digital Legacy Association
Social Media will template
Download your free template, once completed it can be used to help ensure that your end of life and digital legacy wishes are adhered to.
Peace of Mind Planner
Do you have a plan for how to hand over life admin to a loved one after death? Do you have important wishes you’d like observed? Have you discussed what kind of funeral you would like?
Dorothy House has created a new, FREE booklet to help you and your loved ones have important conversations and find peace of mind.
A free to use, 'tech for good' platform that enables users to:
Write your Last Will & Testament,
Safeguard your Digital Legacy,
Plan your Funeral,
Curate a Bucket List,
Leave Goodbye Messages
Make plans for your future health and social care within an Advance Care Plan.
BBC Radio 4’s Joan Bakewell - Death in a Digital World
From the series: Why we need to talk about death.
For Karen, it’s more comforting to browse the online profiles of friends who have died than visit their graves. But for Chelsea, the sudden online ‘radio silence’ following the death of a friend can be upsetting.
Your digital legacy, an emerging aspect of advanced care planning.
Royal College of Physicians