Reuse of graves in the UK: sacrilegious or pragmatic?
The UK is experiencing a shortage of burial space, particularly in urban areas. The Law Commission has proposed changes to the law to allow the reuse of graves to address this issue. So what does grave reuse entail? And what are the proposed changes? And is this really a new idea at all?

Funeral traditions – where did they come from and where are they going?
You may be surprised to discover that many of the traditions associated with the modern British funeral are actually hundreds, or even thousands of years old. But nothing is permanent, and trends are now moving in a very different direction.

Talking to the dead: a history of Spiritualism
Spiritualism is a system of belief based on the concept of communication with the dead, mostly through mediums – people who are able to contact the deceased. But where did it come from? How do mediums make contact with the dead? And do people still practice Spiritualism and séances?